Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Burning Man 2014

Since I entered the black rock city for the first time back in 2009, it has changed my life and the way I view the world forever.  To me, Burning Man is a mind, body and soul transformation, a week of non-stop dust, music, art, new ideas and experiences.....
No words, photos and/or videos can truly describe the experience.  You must be brave and open-minded to discover burning man on your own.  Below are some of my favorite Burning Man 2014 moments.

Day 1-Entering the black rock city

Having a bike is a must and having your sibling is also highly recommended!

Won't be tutu Tuesday if i didn't ran into some ladies in tutus on a swing

Day 2-exploring the playa, why not jump on a metal horse

The Temple

Gate to the Temple

Beautiful floating gates

No Burning Man would be complete without a little afternoon dust storm

Moving yacht on the dusty playa

Day 3-Robot heart sunrise party

Jumping on a badass art car with amazing friends

Day 4-Early morning burn

Good spot for the sunrise

"Embrace" the sunrise

Sunrise on the Playa

Fire dancer performing at the Temple

Kiss at Sunrise-highly recommended!!!

Day 5-On my way to another Distrikt day party

Distrikt at Sunset 

Hitching a ride on an art car-the best way to arrive at a party

Day 6-Before the Man burn

Exploring art at night

The Man burns on day 6